Gender: Stallion
Color: Chestnut
Breed: Purebred Arabian

Root Sire Line: SAKLAWI I or. Ar. (1886)
Bred by the Ruala Tribe - Anazeh Bedouin | Arabian Peninsula
Tail Female Dam Line: BASILISK or. Ar. (1876)
Bred by the Resallin Tribe ~ Sebaa Anazeh Bedouin
Imported to United Kingdom (Crabbet Park - Lady Anne Blunt) from Syria (1878)
19 March 1990 - 16 October 2020
Bred by Lorraine Humphrey ~ Gaslight Farm | USA
Imported 1991
The Arabian Breeders' Magazine very generously featured a tribute to the recently departed GLF APOLLO in the 2020 Collector's Edition. A special thank you to editor & publisher Samantha Mattocks for affording us the opportunity to share the story of his extraordinary life and his profound impact on the lives of so many with the international Arabian Community.
GLF APOLLO Tribute | A Life of Infinite Reward with the Arabian Horse
The 20th of March 2020 – an unseasonably cool and blustery, threateningly dark and damp Friday morning. Little did anyone realise, absorbed in our festive mood on this momentous occasion, that Mother Nature was sending us all a profoundly clear signal of the unprecedented days immediately around the corner…
A Tribute to GLF APOLLO | Download PDF
Team Mulawa had assembled together to celebrate a milestone achievement in the life of one its longest living equine residents: retired chief stallion GLF APOLLO (Diamond Padron x Per Brio by Percussion). Coordinated perfectly with APOLLO’s actual birthdate just the day prior, the overnight return of Greg Farrell from his corporate responsibilities in Tasmania, and the final day of the annual two-week Stuart Vesty photo shoot, several weeks of planning culminated in a once-in-a-lifetime photo session with the birthday boy, shiny celebratory banners and helium-filled balloons included, commemorating 30 glorious years of his extraordinary life in one particularly significant digital image. A swift series of more intimate portraits followed with those members of the Team, including Stuart himself, for whom ‘Wally’, as GLF APOLLO was affectionately known most of his life, was held in highest regard, just beating a steady downfall of drizzle that intensified into soaking showers for the remainder of the day.
By the time the process of proof review from this photo session began just three days later on Monday 23rd March, the world as we knew it had been upended. Australia issued a nationwide lockdown on that very same day, shuttering its borders to incoming air traffic from every destination across the globe as a result of the raging global CoVid-19 pandemic. Stuart had just secured a seat on the last Delta flight back to the United States prior to the border closure, while Greg had returned early back to the island of Tasmania as a business precaution on what would be one of the final flights out of Sydney back to Hobart for several months, essentially ensuring his isolation from mainland Australia and all hands-on equine activities at Mulawa for nearly eight months, until border restrictions were finally eased in early November 2020. Only upon reflection did we realise just how profoundly this photo session would exemplify our lives in the ‘before time’, perfectly encapsulating the more carefree and overtly optimistic lives we led pre-pandemic, captured in all those smiling celebratory faces beaming back at us in image after image.
The presence of GLF APOLLO would grace our lives for just seven more precious months, until he was graciously laid to rest on the 16th of October. His passing coincided with the cautious emergence of Australia from the darkest days of continental pandemic lockdown, which in turn elicited a vastly more introspective and insightful perspective when APOLLO’s birthday celebration photo was revisited in support of his inevitable tribute. The faces of those Team members captured in that pivotal moment in time were now reflective of the multitude of lives that had been profoundly transformed by the existence of one singularly consequential horse, the ubiquitous sentinel who had unassumingly, yet most astoundingly, altered the trajectory of Team Mulawa incontrovertibly for the better.
A destiny-altering discovery by long-time friend of the family and universally respected horseman Gene Reichardt at Lori Humphrey’s Gas Light Farm in Michigan, GLF APOLLO was imported from the United States as a yearling in 1991. As the youngest stallion prospect ever imported by the Farrell Family, APOLLO was afforded not only the opportunity to live twenty-nine of the thirty-plus years of his extraordinary life at Mulawa, more than any other chief sire in the programme’s five decades of existence, but his longevity earned him the honour of longest living resident at the farm’s current address in Berrilee, New South Wales, nestled amongst the outermost northern suburbs of Sydney. APOLLO is fondly remembered as the first sire of the ‘new generation’ at Mulawa, expanding the genetic palette beyond the strong Polish and Crabbet foundation of the stud, the first of many subsequent stallions that would successfully infuse into the programme the admirable qualities of the legendary PADRON, as well as those of several Straight Egyptian icons.
While the significance of GLF APOLLO is often overshadowed by the stallions that were imported in subsequent years, the more high-profile international show horses FAME MAKER R (Fame VF x Inschallah El Shaklan by El Shaklan), TS AL MALIK (Hello Barich ELS x BF Tiffany Select by BF Rageymazon) and MAGNUM FORTY FOUR (Magnum Psyche x WH Nashahna by Bey Shah), his contribution as chief sire at Mulawa throughout the 1990’s prior to their arrival laid the vital and invaluable foundation for their subsequent success as sires themselves. The global Arabian community continues to reap the rewards of several Mulawa-bred GLF APOLLO descendants, ingeniously blended with the blood of his fellow Mulawa chief sires mentioned above, embodied brilliantly in emerging show and breeding horses such as KAVALLE MI (Gazal Al Shaqab x Karess by Magnum Forty Four), KLASSIC HARMONY MI (Klass x Fames Harmony by Fame Maker R), MADORA MI (Allegiance MI x Melody MI by TS Al Malik), KLASSICAL PRESENCE MI (Klass x Parada by Magnum Forty Four), KLASSICAL DEVOTION MI (Klass x Mulawa Kiara by Magnum Psyche) and PRUSSIA MI (ABHA Qatar x Parada by Magnum Forty Four). Four of his most iconic daughters are revered as Aristocrat Dams of inestimable importance to the Mulawa programme - PERFECT HARMONY (x Mulawa Chance by Ambition), PRESENCE (x Prevue by Vision), JIAH ASPIRE (x J Athena by Warranty) and WAHO Trophy Recipient MULAWA KARA MIA MI (x Karmaa by Kaborr) – all of whom have multiple female descendants that comprise the core of the Mulawa broodmare band, and in the case of KARA MIA MI, several grandsons serving as next generation sires. Jane Farrell best illustrates the contribution of GLF APOLLO as “the bridge between generations” providing “his own unique stamp” and the essential genetic foundation “for the each subsequent generation to breed on and succeed. APOLLO breathed new life into the programme,” Jane further elucidates, “affirming Greg’s vision and trust in him, while ensuring and expanding relevance for the Mulawa-bred horse within the greater equine community.”
For Greg Farrell, who had the privilege of handling APOLLO for all of his early success in the show ring, the profound impact of APOLLO as a sire extends well beyond his best and most enduring physical attributes, which include the superb balance, elegant forehand, strength and substance, and versatile athleticism evident in the best of his esteemed descendants. “The APOLLO descendants, by and large, have fantastic dispositions and a great affinity for people”, Greg explains. This indispensable attribute alone is responsible for the proliferation of the Mulawa Community, comprised of all those who have owned Mulawa-bred horses and their descendants through the decades, to its most expansive and inclusive extent, converting innumerable equine enthusiasts and ‘horse-crazy’ young girls into Arabian horse owners of GLF APOLLO progeny, generation after generation. His presence on the ‘pull-out’ posters included within Australia’s immensely popular Hoofs & Horns publication made GLF APOLLO a continental Arabian icon, with his iridescent copper coat colour and flaxen mane symbolizing exotic desert appeal, an indelible image that we would discover, following the news of his passing, had adorned the bedroom walls of innumerable mega-fans and inspired their love and passion for the Arabian breed during their most impressionable years.
This uncanny ability to bring people together and inevitably improve their lives through his progeny has ensured the legacy of GLF APOLLO will endure for lifetimes beyond his own. His impact on the handful of lives reflected in his birthday photo are amongst his most significant. For resident head trainer Cameron Bonney, the arrival of GLF APOLLO in Australia coincided with his very first appearances as handler in the Arabian show ring as a teenager, then representing his family owned and operated stud of Parkview Arabians. The impression of APOLLO and Greg exploding into the ring at the East Coast Championships eventually inspired Cameron to pursue a working relationship with Mulawa, which evolved not only into nearly three decades of life-altering employment, but fostered a devoted relationship with Jayna Prell, now Bonney, who together, share a beautiful and horse-loving daughter Ella. The purchase of JEZZIRE (Fire Alert x Jezzabeel), a maternal granddaughter of APOLLO, inevitably brought Katie Smith in more regular contact with Mulawa, introducing her to Farm Manager Paul Stockman, the person with whom she shares not only a home on the principal property in Berrilee, but a growing family, with son Harrison and a daughter on the way.
It is remarkable to consider that several of the members of Team Mulawa present in APOLLO’s birthday photo were not even born when he arrived in Australia. Amongst these is Ellen Suann, chief conditioning specialist on the halter team, who after nearly a decade of working at Mulawa, has had the ultimate privilege of caring for nearly every single one of APOLLO’s descendants who now enjoy international prestige. Another is Ashley Alvarez, whose introduction to Mulawa was none other than TAKE A CHANCE (x Chance To Dance by Magnum Forty Four), one of APOLLO’s youngest and most look-alike daughters, who she now proudly owns.
Both of Greg & Julie Farrell’s now grown children were also yet unborn prior to APOLLO’s arrival. Little did they both realise then what a profound impact his progeny would have on the lives of their son, Gregory, and daughter, Katharine, whose shared favourite childhood cartoon character ‘Wallygator’ inspired APOLLO’s enduring nickname, safely and confidently stewarding each of them in their first positive experiences with an Arabian horse under saddle. For Gregory, this horse was ENTICE (x Enchante by Ambition), a classic flea-bitten grey mare, fondly remembered as “a sweet, sensible, safe and gentle soul” who became his all-time favourite riding horse and a reliable and confidence-boosting companion on regular pony club outings in his early childhood. For Katharine, that providential horse was PROCLAIM (x Prevue by Vision), the now legendary Arabian gelding who amassed a record setting ten Australian National Championship titles in nine divisions, the majority of those achieved with Kate in the saddle as a youth rider in open divisions. “PROCLAIM and I were an unstoppable team,” Kate recalls warmly, “competing at Pony Club events and school gymkhanas, from dressage events to Arabian shows, taking time to compete in everything from Arabian Costume classes to Western Pleasure along the way!” These affirmative experiences with PROCLAIM encouraged and inspired Katherine’s inherent passion for horses, and in particular riding, the result of which has contributed to Kate’s success as one of Australia’s leading young riders in the Olympic discipline of Dressage. “PROCLAIM still holds a very special place in my heart,” Kate shares candidly, “and will always be one of my most favourite horses in the world.”
Another highly credentialed APOLLO athlete, MURRAHALA MIKOVA (x M Chantilly Lace by Warranty) was instrumental in evolving the equine career of Annette Lowe, whose first exposure to the Farrell Family, and subsequently the Arabian horse, began as a teenager when she came from Tasmania to live in as a nanny, charged with caring for a young Gregory and Katharine. With MIKOVA, Annette became an immeasurably more confident and capable rider, amassing an impressive record of achievements at the most prestigious shows in Australia during the prime of his life. Full sisters, FAMES HARMONY and MYSTIC FAME (by Fame Maker R), daughters of the iconic GLF APOLLO daughter PERFECT HARMONY, were under Annette’s care while on the show team and remain two of her all-time favourites, both of whom also spent hours under saddle while being conditioned during their impressive careers.
Annette was also instrumental, along with her partner and fellow Mulawa Team Member Mariusz Lipa, in providing superlative care for APOLLO in his most senior years, following the loss of his left eye and his deliberative descent into arthritic decline. It was Mariusz who returned early from the feed run one afternoon, enquiring into the whereabouts of APOLLO, who appeared to be missing from his ‘domain’ in the top paddock overlooking the main farm. Thus ensued the manic search fondly remembered as “Where’s Wally?”, which ended happily with his discovery standing atop a rocky outcrop in the nearby bushland of the adjacent, and expansively anxiety-inducing state forest into which APOLLO had blissfully wandered unaware. Exceedingly pleased with the ‘upgrade’ of his magnified surroundings, Wally appeared only moderately parched and peckish, most remarkably without a scrape or scratch as a result of his misadventure. It took the efforts of the entire Team to stop local traffic to return ‘Walkbout Wally’ safely to his paddock, replete with an abundance of local fauna, including a diamond python, who had become a reliable companion for APOLLO in the latter months of his life. Both Mariusz and Annette were present for APOLLO’s final moments that morning at Mulawa, munificently stewarding him with grace and dignity to the greener pastures he had most assuredly and definitively earned. His passing was especially devastating for Mariusz, who had not only provided meticulous care for APOLLO throughout the final stages of his life, but had been instrumental in the show careers of two of APOLLO’s most important modern descendants, KLASSICAL FAME MI (Klass x Forever Fame by Fame Maker R and out of Presence) and KAVALIER MI (Marwan Al Shaqab x Karess by Magnum Forty Four and out of Mulawa Kara Mia MI), both of whom had achieved the highest honours of their careers just a few short days prior to the milestone birthday this past March, as Australian National Gold Champion Senior Mare and Senior Stallion, respectively.
Another of APOLLO’s superlative gelding sons was Jane’s reliable mount for years at the Farrell Family’s heritage property of BelleVue in Tasmania. The very first son, after six successive daughters, of Jane’s favourite mare MULAWA CHANCE (Ambition x Grojecca by Grojec), CHANCELLOR enjoyed a wonderful retirement at BelleVue following a stellar career as a show horse both in hand and under saddle, serving as a trustworthy ride for daily cattle checks as well as an eager companion for lengthier excursions around the neighbouring countryside prior to his untimely demise. Most impressively, CHANCELLOR’s older sister, the aforementioned Aristocrat Dam PERFECT HARMONY, is still an honest ‘working girl’ at twenty seven years of age, providing daily trail rides to guests at the Farrell Family-owned (Federal Group) Country Club Tasmania in nearby Launceston, where the retired Arabian show ring superstars and broodmares have been serving as superlative ambassadors for the Arabian breed for decades.
So much will be missed about APOLLO at Mulawa – his buoyant self-assurance, his distinctive roar indicative of a pending encounter in the breeding shed or of a presentation entrance at an annual Open Day, his irrefutably vociferous discontent at being stabled, his noble serenity during his golden years, his reassuring omnipresence, both from the premier vantage point on the property and as an integral and inseparable part of the days, weeks, months and years, the most significant moments, of our lives. Julie fondly reminds us all that “APOLLO held a special place in the heart of everyone how knew him”. This affirmation holds resoundingly true not only because APOLLO was the horse who bore witness to more change and evolution at Mulawa than any other, but because he continues to be the singular Mulawa chief sire whose profound legacy more positively impacts the lives of people at every level of involvement all across the globe each and every day. If these past several months of paradigm-shifting upheaval have taught us anything, it is that the appreciation of the simple everyday moments of life are what make the journey most rewarding. For all of us whose lives have been enriched by the presence of GLF APOLLO, those moments remain more fully lived and experienced than we can ever fully express. Thank you, Wally, for making our world a better and a brighter place, and for reaffirming the infinite reward a life blessed by, and devoted to, the Arabian horse…
Diamond Padron | Padron | Patron | Aswan |
Podruga | |||
Odessa | Bright Wings | ||
Serinda | |||
Diamond Tsue | Diamond Tsioux | Serajer | |
Tsatellite | |||
Seraja | Seraj | ||
Fadjura | |||
Per Brio | Percussion | Perkal | Palas |
Piersnica | |||
Hillcrest Hanrifa | Handeyraff | ||
Hillcrests Imarifa | |||
Soraya Al Sufi | Avatar Al Sufi | Shaikh Al Badi | |
Bint Buena Suerte | |||
Frazila | Hazdin | ||
Zaydia |
- Queensland Challenge Champion Junior Stallion | 1992
- Queensland Challenge Supreme Champion Exhibit | 1992
- Mulawa Matron |
- Australian National Reserve Champion Junior Colt | 2000
- East Coast Champion Junior Colt | 2000
- National Capital Champion Junior Colt | 1999
- National Stud Show Reserve Champion Mare | 2006
- Australian National Top Ten Yearling Filly | 2002
- WA State Champion Three & Under Junior Colt | 2004
- WA State Supreme Champion Purebred Junior Exhibit | 2004
- West Coast Junior Showcase Champion Two Year Old Exhibit | 2004
- West Coast Junior Showcase Supreme Purebred Exhibit | 2004
- Australian National Reserve Champion Yearling Colt | 2003
- Australian National Champion Top Ten Senior Gelding | 2005
- National Stud Show Champion Working Stock Horse | 2005
- National Stud Show Champion Senior Gelding | 2004
- National Stud Show Champion Junior Gelding | 1998
- National Stud Show Champion Yearling Gelding | 1996
- Australian National Top Ten Yearling Gelding | 2005
- East Coast Top Five Yearling Gelding | 2005
- WA State Champion Arabian Senior Mare | 1999
- WA State Champion Ridden Arabian Mare | 1999
- QLD Challenge Reserve Champion Junior Filly | 1995
- Perth Royal Champion Arabian Mare |
- Perth Royal Champion Ridden Arabian Mare |
- Australian National Champion Mare | 2003
- East Coast Champion Mare | 2003
- National Stud Show Champion Mare | 2002
- National Stud Show Champion Mare | 1999
- Inland Arabian Champion Yearling Filly | 1995
- WAHO Trophy Recipient | Australia | 2019
- Australian National Top Ten Senior Mare | 2001
- National Stud Show Champion Yearling Filly | 1996
- National Capital Supreme Champion Junior Exhibit | 1997
- Australian National Top Ten Senior Mare | 2001
- East Coast Champion Yearling Filly | 1995
- Australian National Champion Top Ten Mare | 2000
- National Stud Show Reserve Champion Junior Filly | 1996
- Crabbet Group All Arabian Champion Arabian Senior Mare | 2012
- Crabbet Group All Arabian Champion Ridden Arabian Mare | 2012
- Australian National Champion Arabian Gelding Ridden by a Youth | 2009
- Australian National Champion Dressage | Elementary | 2009
- Australian National Champion Dressage | Medium | 2009
- Australian National Champion Youth Bridle Path Hack | 2009
- Australian National Top Ten Arabian Gelding Bridle Path Hack | 2009
- Australian National Top Ten Arabian Gelding Show Hunter | 2009
- Australian National Top Ten Arabian Show Hunter Ridden by a Youth | 2009
- Australian National Top Ten Ridden Arabian Gelding | 2009
- East Coast Champion Arabian Bridle Path Hack | Youth Rider | 2009
- East Coast Cup Top Five | Purebred | 2009
- East Coast Reserve Champion Bridle Path Hack Gelding | 2009
- East Coast Reserve Champion Ridden Arabian Gelding | 2009
- National Stud Show Reserve Champion Ridden Arabian Gelding | 2008
- Australian National Champion Arabian Gelding Show Hunter | 2007
- Australian National Champion Dressage | Elementary | 2007
- Australian National Champion Dressage | Novice | 2007
- Australian National Reserve Champion Arabian Gelding Ridden by a Youth | 2007
- Australian National Reserve Champion Ridden Arabian Gelding | 2007
- Australian National Top Ten Arabian Gelding Bridle Path Hack | 2007
- East Coast Champion Bridle Path Hack Gelding | 2007
- East Coast Champion Hunter Hack | 2007
- East Coast Cup Champion | Purebred | 2007
- Australian National Champion Senior Arabian Gelding | 2006
- Australian National Champion Western Pleasure | 2005
- Australian National Top Ten Arabian Bridle Path Hack Ridden by a Youth | 2005
- Australian National Top Ten Ridden Arabian Gelding | 2005
- East Coast Champion Arabian/Arabian Derivative Western Pleasure | 2005
- East Coast Champion Arabian/Arabian Derivative Youth Western Pleasure | 2005
- Queensland Challenge High Point Youth Horse | 2005
- Australian National Champion Working Stock Horse | 2004
- Australian National Reserve Champion Junior Colt | 2001
- DDAS II Silver Champion Arabian Mare Non-Pro | 2018
- Hawkesbury Show Champion Arabian Senior Mare | 2018
- Australian National Top Ten Arabian Bridle Path Hack Gelding | 2016
- Dayboro Supreme Champion All Breeds Exhibit | 2015
- AHAQ Spring Affair Champion Ridden Arabian Gelding | 2014
- AHAQ Spring Affair Supreme Champion Ridden Arabian Exhibit | 2014
- Australian National Top Ten Arabian Show Hunter Under 15hh | 2014
- Australian National Top Ten Arabian/Arabian Derivative Australian Pleasure | 2014
- Australian National Top Ten Senior Arabian Gelding | 2014
- Australian National Top Ten Senior Arabian Gelding Shown by an Amateur | 2014
- Queensland Challenge Reserve Champion Arabian Gelding | 2014
- QLD YouthAm Champion Hack | 2012
- Top of the Range Champion Arabian Bridle Path Hack | 2012