Gender: Mare
Color: Grey
Breed: Purebred Arabian

Tail Female Dam Line: RODANIA or. Ar. (1869)
Chestnut Kuhaylah-Ajuz Rodaniyah bred by Ibn Rodan | Ruala Tribe ~ Anazeh Bedouin
Imported to United Kingdom (Crabbet Park - Lady Anne Blunt) from the Arabian Peninsula (1881)
Mulawa Foundation Mare
17 Nov 1982 - 16 Dec 2015
Second-Generation Mulawa-Bred Champion
The story of MULAWA CHANCE is very much the reflection of the natural evolution of Mulawa Arabian Stud, from its modest beginnings as a family-farm in rural Sydney to its modern-day ambition, international aspirations, and significant intercontinental achievement. An imposing presence at the Stud as both a beloved family and farm favorite as well as a remarkably reliable breeding powerhouse, MULAWA CHANCE still enjoys the highest place of esteem in a collective relationship of admiration, respect and reward that has crossed, most astoundingly, four decades at Mulawa.
The roots of what would become the world-renown MULAWA CHANCE dynasty originated in the United Kingdom, with a rather inconspicuous bay mare named TAMIFI. Bred by the Bowditch Family of Dorocina Arabian Stud, Oxfordshire, TAMIFI was one of the very first purchases made for the newly founded Mulawa Arabian Stud in the early 1970s, while Greg Farrell Sr. and youngest daughter Jane were on a global expedition in search of quality bloodstock. Uniquely line-bred to desert import Rodania with an incredible fifteen crosses to the legendary Crabbet breeding pillar described by Lady Anne Blunt as a mare of ‘extraordinary strength and style’ and celebrated by the Bedouin tribesmen as one of the most iconic mares of the 19th century, TAMIFI was the result of mating three-quarter siblings AFIFI (Shariff x Namara by Rissam) and TAMAREE (Shariff x Tamri by Fayal), both of whom shared as maternal granddam Dorocina foundation mare NAOMI III (Joseph x Rizada by Shahzada).
Prior to importation, the decision was made to breed TAMIFI to GROJEC for Mulawa, who was then owned by Lady Anne Lytton, daughter of Lady Wentworth and in turn granddaughter to Lady Anne & Sir Wilfrid Blunt, heiress to one of the world’s richest sources of Arabian bloodstock. Originally imported from Poland by visionary breeder and Arabian horse ambassador Patricia Lindsay, the imposing bay GROJEC was the purposeful combination of line-breeding two of the most acclaimed OFIR daughters - WILGA (x Jaskolka II by Koheilan I) and OFIRKA (x Fryga II by Bakszysz) - who also were both maternally very closely related as each was out of an ultra-prolific daughter of inter-war broodmatron extraordinaire GAZELLA II (Koheilan x Abra by Anvil). GROJEC not only possessed the inherent athletic ability and superlative structure of his dam GASTRONOMIA (Marabut x Ofirka) – now the globally famous source of Poland’s “G” family of superstars such as GIZELA, GANGES, GRENLANDIA, GEORGIA, GALILEA, GEORGETOWN, GENEZA, GEPARD, GONDOLIER, GOKART, GEDYMIN and the like – he was a prototypical son of COMET (Abu Afas x Carmen by Trypolis), a sire celebrated for his powerful animated action, exceptional balance, substantial strength of build, charismatic commanding attitude as well as extraordinary quality and refinement.
It was primarily the influence of COMET the Farrells were after when choosing GROJEC for TAMIFI, a sagacious decision for which they were rewarded with a lovely bay filly in May of 1974. Named GROJECCA in honour of her sire, she would prove an important foundation mare for Mulawa, crossing exceptionally well with another promising Mulawa import of Polish descent, AMBITION (Bask x Bint Ambara), as well his son, ARRIVAL (x Euni). Intensifying the COMET influence was the primary intention of these matings, as both AMBITION and ARRIVAL’s dam EUNI (Bandos x Eunice) were out of revered COMET daughters. The resulting foals proved positively the wisdom in once again line-breeding the TAMIFI dam family with the best sources of quality, structure and athleticism, as each of GROJECCA’s six foals – four by AMBITION and two by ARRIVAL – proved an accomplished athlete and/or a remarkably predictable breeding horse. Amongst these were PERCHANCE (Arrival), an important foundation mare for Ashbrook Stud who would in turn produce one of Falzon Arabians most important foundation mares MULAWA STARSTRUCK (GLF Apllo), and ultra-versatile MULAWA THE QUEST (Ambition), a multi-Australian National Champion in Working Stock Horse, Ridden Arabian Stallion & Mounted Native Costume, show served as an iconic ambassador for the Arabian for decades at public events all across Australia.
The first daughter born to GROJECCA was MULAWA CHANCE, in the late spring of 1982. From the moment of arrival, it was apparent that she was an incredibly special filly and undoubtedly one of the best daughters of AMBITION, resembling both her sire, as well as his dam BINT AMBARA, in overall phenotype and style. MULAWA CHANCE exemplified her intense COMET-OFIR-GAZELLA II-RODANIA heritage to perfection, with superb well-balanced structure, perfect harmony of proportion, impressive length of neck, shoulder and hip, an inherently powerful and versatile athleticism, as well as a distinctive aristocratic quality and regal refinement. She was, and still remains, the prototype of everything essential to the Mulawa Arabian standard, now so abundantly evident in her generations of celebrated descendants.
Before she matured into the elegant flea-bitten beauty reminiscent of the best daughters of COMET she is today, MULAWA CHANCE was an aspiring effervescent steel-grey filly, who carried the banner for her significant sire on the Mulawa show team. Just two years after his tragically premature death in 1985, MULAWA CHANCE would achieve her most significant success in the show ring with Greg Farrell Jr at the lead as National Stud Show Champion Senior Mare, besting dozens of the best mares on the continent in the process. With this major title to her credit, MULAWA CHANCE was incorporated into the breeding program that same season, delivering the first of her thirteen lifetime foals – seven fillies and six sons - the following October.
Mated with seven different stallions to achieve Aristocrat Dam status with five champion offspring in both halter and performance, MULAWA CHANCE proved the best cross with a series of American-bred imports - WARRANTY (Aladdinn x Wizja), GLF Apollo (Diamond Padron x Per-Brio), MAGNUM FORTY FOUR (Magnum Psyche s WH Nashahna) & WN DASJMIR (GG Samir x Arawiszja) – the first three all imported directly as chief sires to Mulawa, and the final stallion to Bremervale Stud in Queensland. All seven of her daughters were by these four stallions, each of which now enjoys a fruitful legacy of success in Australia and increasingly so around the world as a result of finding good breeding fortune with MULAWA CHANCE.
The eldest of the MULAWA CHANCE daughters were all by WARRANTY, two of which were destined to find fame as sources of supreme athleticism. While all three - A CERTAINTY, M CHOICE & A PERFECT CHOICE – would go on to produce accomplished athletes in a variety of disciplines from dressage to endurance – A PERFECT CHOICE herself amassed an impressive show record under saddle as East Coast & National Stud Show Champion, as well as, Australian National Reserve Champion Ridden Arabian Mare. Her daughter FOR CHOICE (Magnum Forty Four) has since in turn won her fair share of important titles as an Arabian Mare Under Saddle, and has also produced an Australian National Champion Gelding, FORTITUDE MI (Guiliano), who is now beginning to make his mark in the performance ring as well.
One of the most beautifully enchanting daughters of MULAWA CHANCE was A PASSION (WN DASJMIR), whose daughters MULAWA PRECIOUS (GLF Apollo) and FAMES PASSION (Fame Maker R) were both respectable halter mares and have both since become important broodmatrons. MULAWA PRECIOUS is the dam of two champions for her maternal stud – National Stud Show Champion Yearlings PRECIOUS AS GOLD (Parkview Audacious) and ANSWER (Ask). National Stud Show Champion & Australian National Top Ten FAMES PASSION has established herself as one of the premier broodmatrons for Future Farms in Victoria, as the dam of four champion daughters to date, including: Australian National Reserve Champions LOVERGIRL FF (Brumarbas Future) & SARWINDAH (Imperial Journal), and Victorian State Champion PRINCESS OF PASSION FF (Crave FF). PRINCESS OF PASSION has since extended the MULAWA CHANCE legacy to the fourth generation with her two champion daughters: SHIMMERING PRINCESS FF (SF Sir Real) and PRINCESSION FF (Obsession FF).
One of the best crosses with MULAWA CHANCE was the PADRON grandson GLF APOLLO, who gave two good producing daughters as a result of this mating - PERFECT HARMONY & PERFECT CHANCE – and two champion sons – CHANCELLOR & CHANCING. CHANCELLOR, a National Stud Show Champion Gelding in all three age divisions - as a yearling, junior and senior horse – was also a National Stud Show Champion Working Stock Horse, and a beloved favorite of Jane Farrell, who owned him as her personal horse during the last decade of his life. The superbly designed and perfectly marked - a rich bay with four white stockings - PERFECT HARMONY was an East Coast Champion Yearling Filly and Australian National Top Ten Mare before proving herself the most prolific of the MULAWA CHANCE daughters to date, crossing exceptionally well with FAME MAKER R for all six of her lifetime foals. Three of these daughters – MULAWA CLAIM TO FAME, FAMES HARMONY & MYSTIC FAME – would all find fortune in-hand as show mares of importance, while more importantly each producing champions, and subsequent generations of champions of their own.
Australian National Top Ten Mare MULAWA CLAIM TO FAME has been a supremely important foundation mare for Vince & Karen Falzon, having already achieved Aristocrat Dam status with four champion offspring of her own. While her sons have been versatile achievers as both halter and performance horses, her daughter FALZON TOMORROW’S DREAM (GLF Apollo) has added further prestige to the MULAWA CHANCE legacy with her first foal, NSW State Titles Supreme Champion Junior Exhibit ECHOS OF TOMORROW (Echos of Marwan).
Another of the bay full sisters is the ever zestful MYSTIC FAME, a mare originally intended for a career under saddle, who spent a year on Mulawa Team Halter last season reminding us all exactly how an Arabian mare should trot into and command attention in the show ring. Competing all season against Mulawa’s undefeated ALWAYS VALENTINE MI, MYSTIC FAME was awarded top honours at each outing including National Stud Show Reserve Champion Mare, East Coast Champion Broodmare and Australian National Top Ten Mare (finishing third overall). MYSTIC FAME has also proven herself a top producer of athletes and show horses, with four sons to her credit before she ever stepped her spectacularly high trotting feet into a show ring. Amongst these are champion halter horses MASTER KLASS MI & MYSTERE MI, both sired by KLASS, the latter of which has achieved major success as an Australian National Champion, East Coast & National Stud Show Led Gelding, as well as a Novice Horse Under Saddle in his first season out.
The FAME MAKER R-PERFECT HARMONY daughter that has expanded the realm of MULAWA CHANCE to its greatest prestige and universal recognition is the aptly named FAMES HARMONY, a radiant chestnut beauty that was beloved by Australians as one of the greatest show mares of her generation. As National Stud Show Supreme Champion, Queenland Challenge Champion & twice Australian National Reserve Champion Mare, FAMES HARMONY was reliably the mare to set the standard for athletic, yet distinctly, feminine beauty on the move. Her unforgettable performances in the show ring have since been eclipsed by her stellar record as a broodmatron of absolute importance to Mulawa, having already produced three very worthy show champions and five superlative daughters. Her best cross thus far has been with the blood of TS AL MALIK (Hello Barich ELS x BF Tiffany Select by BF Rageymazon), especially his three-time Australian National Champion son KLASS (x Karmaa by Naborr), and the KLASS son KONFIDENCE MI (x Karess by Mangum Forty Four). The eldest product of this cross was KLASSIC HARMONY MI (Klass), a Queensland Challenge Junior Champion & Australian National Reserve Champion Yearling Filly that remains one of the best examples of the Mulawa Arabian breeding vision to date. Always the reliable show mare with the commanding maternal confidence of her dam line that is hallmark MULAWA CHANCE, KLASSIC HARMONY is now proudly owned by Al Shaqab Stud, Qatar, and is universally acknowledged as a prized member of the royal broodmare band. Two other full siblings to KLASSIC HARMONY continue to prove the wisdom of this cross: KHROME MI as Australian National Champion Yearling Gelding and the uber-feminine KLASSICAL SYMPHONY MI, who will be retained by Mulawa as a priceless replacement for her dam. Two other exceptional FAMES HARMONY daughters are also invaluable members of the Mulawa broodmare band: KACHE MI (Konfidence MI) & MELODY MI (TS Al Malik), the former a maiden mare expecting her first foal next season and the latter having already produced one of the top fillies of last season, the magnificent MILAN MI (Allegiance MI). Collectively, FAMES HARMONY and her daughters comprise one of the most important collections of mares in the Mulawa breeding program, especially admired for their superlative structure, balance, substance, correctness, inherent athleticism, supreme quality and maternal femininity, all qualities essential to the legacy of MULAWA CHANCE.
The other FAMES HARMONY daughter that has been a sensational show horse is MI HARMONY, one of the most beautiful and accomplished daughters of Australian National Champion GUILIANO (Legacy of Fame x SC Psavannah by Padrons Psyche). An Australian National, East Coast & National Stud Show Champion who is the most reminiscent of her dam in overall style and commanding show ring presence, MI HARMONY has also joined the Mulawa broodmare band with high expectations.
At 22 years of age, MULAWA CHANCE delivered the final edition of her direct legacy in the Southern Hemisphere spring of 2004 by MAGNUM FORTY FOUR. In the same way the MULAWA CHANCE was a near carbon copy of her paternal granddam BINT AMBARA (Comet x Ambara by Wielki Szlem) at birth, the ingeniously named CHANCE TO DANCE was every inch the spitting image of her beloved dam from the moment she arrived. Having grown more gloriously refined and arrestingly beautiful with age, CHANCE TO DANCE now bears the most striking resemblance to her dam in every respect, especially in terms of her classic coat colour – an intensely flea-bitten grey with a iridescent luster enhanced by the blackest, most vascular skin and classic desert refinement. Like FAMES HARMONY, CHANCE TO DANCE continues to prove the astuteness of KLASS atop the MULAWA CHANCE family, having already produced two of his loveliest daughters to date: KLASSICAL CHANCE MI in 2013, and KLASSICAL ENCHANTMENT MI in 2014. Given this success rate, it appears CHANCE TO DANCE may have found her mate for life.
On the 17th of November 2015, CHANCE celebrated her 33rd birthday at Alabama with Greg, Julie & Jane, visiting with Greg & Nancy Gallun. Treated with a much appreciated bath, a handful of carrots and her last impromptu photo session with Jane, CHANCE was bright and alert, content with her life's journey. Just one month later she left on her own terms, passing peacefully overnight during a devastating storm in the Hunter Valley. It was under similar conditions that her sire AMBITION left this life in April 1985, as if the heavens themselves were protesting the loss, such was the rage in the skies - the final link between father and daughter.
Although her legacy is undeniably secure with six generations of champion descendants impacting the breed worldwide, her passing marks the end of an era as MULAWA CHANCE was the last living daughter of AMBITION. It is only fitting that it would be CHANCE that would be last of his prized daughters to bless our lives, and even more so that she would depart in her own time and on her own terms.
Thank you CHANCE for giving us so many reasons not only to be eternally grateful, but to celebrate each and every day of our extraordinary lives with the Arabian horse. We will miss your maternal grace and generous presence more than words can express. Thank you most of all for being our CHANCE of a lifetime...
MULAWA CHANCE was featured in The Arabian Magazine in 2015
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AMBITION | Bask | Witraz | Ofir |
Makata | |||
Balalajka | Amurath Sahib | ||
Iwonka III | |||
Bint Ambara | Comet | Abu Afas | |
Carmen | |||
Ambara | Wielki Szlem | ||
Alhambra | |||
GROJECCA | Grojec | Comet | Abu Afas |
Carmen | |||
Gastronomia | Marabut | ||
Ofirka | |||
Tamifi | Afifi | Shariff | |
Namara | |||
Tamaree | Shariff | ||
Tamri |
- National Stud Show Senior Champion Mare | 1987
- Australian National Reserve Champion Ridden Arabian Mare |
- East Coast Champion Ridden Arabian Mare |
- National Stud Show Champion Ridden Arabian Mare |
- Australian National Silver Champion Senior Mare | 2018
- East Coast Champion Broodmare | 2018
- NSW Triple Crown Winner Senior Mare | 2018
- Queen of Sheba Memorial Sash Winner | 2018
- National Stud Show Champion Senior Mare | 2017
- National Stud Show Supreme Champion Arabian Exhibit | 2017
- NSW State Titles Champion Senior Mare | 2017
- NSW State Titles Supreme Champion Arabian Exhibit | 2017
- Australian National Champion Top Ten Senior Gelding | 2005
- National Stud Show Champion Working Stock Horse | 2005
- National Stud Show Champion Senior Gelding | 2004
- National Stud Show Champion Junior Gelding | 1998
- National Stud Show Champion Yearling Gelding | 1996
- East Coast Champion Junior Gelding | 2000
- Australian National Top Ten Yearling Gelding | 2005
- East Coast Top Five Yearling Gelding | 2005
- East Coast Reserve Champion Arabian Show Hunter Stallion | 2011
- East Coast Reserve Champion Working Stock Horse | 2011
- East Coast Top Five Ridden Arabian Stallion | 2011
- Australian National Top Ten Senior Mare | 2001
- East Coast Champion Yearling Filly | 1995